The Professional Masters Course on Food Science and Technology should offer attendants a path to immersion in the domain of research, seeking to qualify professionals with a scientific basis and capable of using research to add value to one's professional activities. This way, the research projects of both teaching staff and students will be directed to the cases of application of scientific knowledge in the professional realm or in the needs found in the organisations involved with the food production industry. It focuses on food safety, food technology, and innovation. It is offered free of charge and has no costs for enrolment or tuition. Its goals are: Strenghtening the scientific knowledge one has acquired in the degree course, and developing creative capabilities and technical and professional skills in the Food Science & Technology, as well as qualifying high-level professionals that can work as autonomous or professionals research workers with a specific technical and scientific emphasis on the job market, capable of boosting the areas of production and services based on scientific innovations and current knowledge, whilst developing skills that will justify, at the end of the course, one's insertion and greater efficiency/efficacy in the job market. This programme was approved by the Director's Committee in March 2009 (Resolution No.03 of March, 2009) and by the CAPES CTC in 2009 (Official Letter number 235-13/2009).
The PCTA is in the Rio de Janeiro Campus of the IFRJ at Rua Senador Furtado, 121, borough of Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. The Master's course is free, with neither enrolment nor tuition fees. It is takes place on Mondays and Wednesdays from 18:15 to 22:15hs.
Coordination: Márcia Cristina da Silva
2017 Selection Process - Click here
Line 1: FOOD SAFETY - This research line aims at studying the implementation of the food safety management system, as well as the evaluation of the physical-chemical as well as microbiological quality controls, and of critical points in the control of the production chain activities.
Associated Research Projects:
1.1. Food Microbiology
Project description: Research is carried out in this project that is related to Food Microbiology, aimed at its three major areas: food preservation with the use of micro-organisms or their products (enzymes, bacteriocins and other anti-microbe substances); the detection of pathogens associated to intoxication and food infections and lastly on the implementation of methods to prevent and control the transmission of food-related diseases.
1.2. Food Management and Food Quality
Project description: Aimed at integrating quality programmes and the use of quality control tools in food safety programmes, to create innocuity, simplicity and effectiveness for the production systems.
Line 2: TECHNOLOGY, BIOTECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION IN THE FOOD PRODUCTION CHAIN - This line of research emphasizes a qualification of the student towards applied research, the production of technology and innovation for the processes and for product development. It aims at preparing specialist professionals, capable of interfering in the process of food and drink transformation, developing products and materials with a solid scientific and technological basis, rooted on inquiry and innovation, both adjusted to the realities of technological development and inserted in the social and human context of local and regional productive arrangements.
Associated Research Projects:
2.1. Product development technology for the food industry
Project description: Research is done in this project to allow the development and enriching food products, giving them a higher nutritional score as well as functional properties. Different technologies and processes are used in the preparation of fermented products, drinks and foods with improved nutritional value and/or enriched with functional components. Another focal point will be to create in the students a perspective of continuous technological innovation for food products through strategic planning towards the launch of new products in this market segment.
2.2. Food Biotechnology
Project description: Research is carried out in this project on the modern procedures in the area of Food Biotechnology. Studies aimed at obtaining and using enzymes and food additives of a microbiological origin will be done, as well as on the use of analytical techniques that allow the detection of such elements with greater efficiency. Another point to deserve attention will be the application of enzymes and additives to develop new food products. The project will also deal with the use of molecular tools in food production, emphasizing the information on obtaining genetically modified organisms (GMOs) along with all the legal contents that involve the handling, trading and monitoring of these products that derive from Modern Food Biotechnology.
Disciplines - Food Science and Technology
The Professional Masters' Course on Food Science and Technology requires a 24-credit pass grade distributed as follows: Mandatory discipline credits, already considering the credits used to write the thesis and optional discipline credits that will be chosen with the supervisor, as detailed in the PCTA Pedagogical Project. The credits required for study supplementing are distributed as follows:
I - Common Food Science and Technology Domain: minimum twelve (12) mandatory discipline credits.
II - Specific Domains 1 and 2: minimum four (4) optional discipline credits.
III - Specific Domain 3 - Masters Thesis: eight (8) mandatory discipline credits.
Table 1 - Common Domain - Food Science and Technology
Common Domain - Food Science and Technology |
Discipline |
Credits |
Optional |
2 |
Mandatory |
3 |
Mandatory |
2 |
Mandatory |
1 |
Optional |
2 |
Mandatory |
3 |
Mandatory |
3 |
Special Statistics Topics Applied to Food Science and Technology |
Optional |
2 |
Optional |
2 |
Table 2 - Specific Domain 1 - Food Safety
Specific Domain 1 - Food Safety |
Discipline |
Credits |
Optional |
2 |
Optional |
2 |
Optional |
2 |
Table 3 - Specific Domain 2 - Technology, Biotechnology and Innovation in the Food Production Chain
Specific Domain 2 - Technology, Biotechnology and Innovation in the Food Production Chain |
Discipline |
Credits |
Optional |
2 |
Optional |
2 |
Optional |
2 |
Optional |
2 |
Optional |
2 |
Optional |
2 |
Table 4 - Specific Domain 3 - Masters' Thesis
Specific Domain 3 - Masters Thesis: |
Discipline |
Credits |
Mandatory |
2 |
Mandatory |
3 |
Mandatory |
1 |
Mandatory |
2 |
Teaching Staff
1) Adriano Gomes da Cruz
DSc, Food Technology, Unicamp, 2010
Degree in Chemical Engineer, UFRJ
Line of work: technology, biotechnology and innovation in the food production chain.
Lattes Curriculum database directions:
2) Bárbara Cristina Euzébio Pereira Dias de Oliveira
DSc, Microbiology, UFRJ, 2004
Microbiologist and Immunologist, UFRJ
Line of work: Food Microbiology
Lattes Curriculum database directions:
3) Edna Maria Morais Oliveira
DSc, Chemistry, UFRJ, 2002
Degree in Chemical Engineering, UFRJ
Line of work: technology, biotechnology and innovation in the food production chain.
Lattes Curriculum database directions:
4) Eduardo Henrique Miranda Walter
DSc, Food Technology, Unicamp, 2010
Degree in Food Engineering, UFRJ
Line of work: food safety, the environment and technology, biotechnology and innovation in the food production chain.
Lattes Curriculum database directions:
5) Eliezer Menezes Pereira
DSc, Microbiology, UFRJ, 2010
Degree in Pharmacy, UFRJ
Line of work: food safety and the environment
Lattes Curriculum database directions:
6) Iracema Maria de Carvalho da Hora
MSc. Hygiene and Technological Processing of Foods of Animal Origin, UFF, 1995
Acknowledgement on Erudition in Quality Management and Self-controlled Programmes for Animal Products
Degree in Veterinary Medicine
Line of work: food safety and the environment
Lattes Curriculum database directions:
7) Janaína dos Santos Nascimento
DSc, Microbiology, UFRJ, 2004
Degree in Biological Sciences - Genetics, UFRJ
Line of work: food safety and the environment
Lattes Curriculum database directions:
8) Leonardo Emanuel de Oliveira Costa
DSc. Agricultural Microbiology, UFV, 2010
Degree in Pharmacy and Biochemistry - Genetics (UFJF, 2004.
Line of work: food safety
Lattes Curriculum database directions:
9) Lourdes Maria Pessôa Masson
DSc, Chemical and Biochemcial Process Technologies, UFRJ, 2010
Degree in Chemical Engineering, UFRJ, 1982
Line of work: technology, biotechnology and innovation in the food production chain.
Lattes Curriculum database directions:
10) Luciana Cardoso Nogueira
DSc, Food Sciences, UFRJ, 2006
Degree in Nutrition Science, UFF
Line of work: technology, biotechnology and innovation in the food production chain.
Lattes Curriculum database directions:
11) Lucinéia Gomes da Silva
DSc, Food Sciences, UFRJ, 2003
Degree in Industrial Chemistry
Line of work: technology, biotechnology and innovation in the food production chain.
Lattes Curriculum database directions:
12) Márcia Cristina da Silva
DSc, Food Sciences, UFRJ, 2009
Degree in Nutrition Science, UFF
Line of work: technology, biotechnology and innovation in the food production chain.
Lattes Curriculum database directions:
13) Renata Raices
DSc, Organic Chemistry, UFRJ, 2002
Degree in Chemical Engineering, UERJ
Line of work: technology, biotechnology and innovation in the food production chain.
Lattes Curriculum database directions:
14) Ronoel Luiz de O. Godoy
DSc, Organic Chemistry, UFRJ, 1992
Degree in Pharmacy, UFRJ
Line of work: technology, biotechnology and innovation in the food production chain.
Lattes Curriculum database directions:
15) Simone Alves
DSc, Management Science, UFRJ, 2013
Degree in Chemical Engineering, UFRJ
Line of work: food management and quality
Lattes Curriculum database directions:
16) Simone Lorena Quiterio
DSc, Physical Chemistry, FIOCRUZ, 2006
Degree in Chemical Engineering, UFRJ
Line of work: food safety and the environment
Theses presented in 2012
Title: Production of Reference Materials from Cheese Source for an Assay on Food Microbiology Proficiency.
Author: Marcelo Luiz Lima Brandão
Supervisor: Janaína dos Santos Nascimento
Product associated: Article 1; Article 2
Theses presented in 2013
Author: Andréa Castro Silva
Supervisor: Sonia Couri
Product associated: Article
Author: Andressa de Souza Lopes
Supervisor: Sonia Couri
Product associated: Article
Title: Production of bio-fortified food products from flours from wheat, polished rice, and common beans.
Author: Adriana Paula da Silva Minguita
Supervisor: Edna Maria Morais Oliveira
Product associated: Article
Title: Preparation of materials for the food bio-handling by personnel in a hotel chain.
Author: Cátia Cristina Brandão Gomes
Supervisor: Márcia Cristina da Silva
Product associated: Article
Title: Development of a Method to Identify Off-flavours in Beer.
Author: Gisele Chaves da Silva
Supervisor: Ronoel Luiz de O. Godoy
Product associated: Article
Author: Luciana Lima de Albuquerque da Veiga
Supervisor: Simone Lorena Quiterio de Souza
Product associated: Article
Author: Priscila Silva Rezende Ramos
Supervisor: Lucinéia Gomes da Silva
Product associated:
Author: Rafaela Freitas do Rio
Supervisor: Luciana Cardoso Nogueira
Product associated:
Author: Renata França Castro Santos
Supervisor: Eliezer Menezes Pereira
Product associated:
Theses presented in 2014
Author: Amanda Macêdo Cardoso
Supervisor: Eliezer Menezes Pereira
Product associated:
Author: Eliane de Souza Paiva
Supervisor: Lucinéia Gomes da Silva
Product associated: Manual for Hand Production
Author: Ingrid Teixeira Akamine
Supervisor: Sonia Couri
Product associated:
Title: Production of Reference Materials from Cheese Source for a Study on Salmonella spp.
Author: Juliana de Castro Beltrão da Costa
Supervisor: Sonia Couri
Product associated: Article
Author: Norma Castelo Branco Schiavo
Supervisor: Janaína dos Santos Nascimento
Product associated: Article
Author: Roberta Araújo Monteiro
Supervisor: Adriano Gomes da Cruz
Product associated:
Author: Taissa Luz Felicio
Supervisor: Adriano Gomes da Cruz
Product associated: Filing for Patent
Author: Tania dos Santos Silva
Supervisor: Simone Lorena Quiterio de Souza
Product associated:
Theses presented in 2015
Author: Marcelo Soares de Moraes
Supervisor: Janaína dos Santos Nascimento
Product associated: Handbook; Article 1; Article 2
Theses presented in 2016
Author: Danielle Silva Lima Malaquias
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sheila Pressentin Cardoso
Author: Flavia Bispo de Almeida
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alexandre Maia do Bomfim
Author: Leandro Barbosa Campos
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Verônica Pimenta Velloso
Author: Maria José Machado Costa
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Marcus Vinicius da Silva Pereira
Author: Rosane Cordeiro Guedes
Supervisor: Denise Leal de Castro
Title: COMMERCIAL FILS IN BASIC EDUCATION: As seen by a teacher in Sciences and Biology classes
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Verônica Pimenta Velloso
The goal of the V SITA is to promote the culture of innovation in the Food Science and Technology area, and encourage partnerships, aimed at contributing to the Professional Masters' Course on Food Science and Technology at the IFRJ, which opened its first class in February 2011. Apart from the obvious concern with food quality, other parts of the production chain are fundamental, amongst which the use of new inputs and raw materials, as well as technologies that can help the industry in their search for a competitive edge. In this scenario the SITA will have the presentation to companies, professionals and students of the main trends and innovations in the area of Science and Technology, apart from bringing to the spotlight the relevance of innovation and its relation with Professional Masters' courses.